
What is the Physics? Think again.

I want to think again "What is the physics?" this last week article.

You know, many many people learn, use, see, think about, develop, discover the physics all over the world. Then, my physics and your physics is the same? I don;t think so.(You may say one's physics is imaginary......) I suppose there are many many physics everyone imagine. My image is mainly made from quantum physics, Newton dynamics, and particle dynamics. You have your own physics, that is you may say your image about physics. But this image is so important. Almost all people don;t major in physics, so they don't has comprehensive knowledge about physics and the way they think about physical issue. Then what is physics for them? Knowledges they learned in high school, junior high school,  TV program, book they read, and so on. If we want to use or think about physics in our way (such like information tech, media, or another), we have to think there are a lot of physics images everyone has.*

Next, I want to think about old physics like Newton dynamics, or ancient Greece physics. What is physical true?  If I am 18th man, I would never believe light speed is constant and time is not absolute. For me, time is absolute that made by God. So I have to think physical true is changing, it is now changing! You may hear about CERN's news release about constancy of light speed is not true. In result this news was not true, but there are probability of this is true. If so, physician were made to extend physics.

In conclusion, my physics is mine, and your physics is yours, but we can examine own physics is true, I think it is happy for us. We don't have to think about probability there are maybe no answer for our absolute extreme question. "What is the world?"

*http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/science/news/20120224-OYT1T00324.htm Article about CERN's news release.



What is "Time"?
If you have thought about "Time", you can't know what it is. "Time" is simple, but complex. Let's see simple sides of "Time".

"Time" is scalar quantitiy, like mass, length, electronics charge, is usually fundamental quantity. Time is combined with other physical quantities to derive other concept such as motion, kinetick energy, and field. Time is used in many many ways. There are no one knows what is "Time", in literary. It is simple side of "Time", you can understand.

You know, "absolute time" does not exist."Relative time only exist. But we use time like if "Absolute time"  only exist. Why it could be? It is not difficult. It is because we are too big! We are living macroscopic world that "Relative time" can't be seen.

Today we want to know more about "Time". It is "what is time Einstein think".

Einstein think there are no time as quantity that is independent from space. In this context, space has height, width and depth. Einstein said there are only space-time, this is not constructed by time AND space. IT IS IT.
Next, I want to show what is this. It is your world. You have own space-time(more exactly, particles consists you have own space-times)So your time and my time is not same. You may think cheat me, but please think again. Why do we have to think we are share THE time? Are there rational reason? I think there are no problem if we don't share same time, don't you? Existence of relative time is proved, so if you want to say "THAT IS LIE!!!" you have to think and make theory is more than rational and fit for real.


Quantum Tunneling

Today I want to explain "Quantum Tunneling".
Tunneling? Yes, tunneling. If you see this word, you may think a tunnel that is in a mountain or under sea: Eurotunnel. But it is not. This "Quantum Tunnel" doesn't exist really. There are only effect called "Quantum Tunneling".Anyway what is "Quantum Tunneling" and it happens?

You may hear this word before in something about personal computer, particular CPU. There is the  problem caused by this effect. And "Quantum Tunneling" is microscopic effect.You won't see this effect macroscopic, otherwise you are very, very, very lucky. I want to explain this effect using a wall and a electron. If electron want to go over the wall, you have to have more and more energy. But now, I want to you to remember that "Quantum"'s character. "Quantum" is wave! There are a wave on world and the wall. Quantum wave is not able to be seen by us, we can see where particle is after wave can't be seen. It is nature! We can do only agree! But relation between wave and where the particle is, using probability. Wave height relates to probability of where particle is. In somewhere if wave height is higher, probability that particle exist there is higher. And wave is waving now. If here wave height is more lower than one over the wall, you could see the particle in the other side of wall! This is "Quantum Tunneling".



We look around his special relativity using last two weeks, and he is very famous. You know Einstein. But......, do you know Bose? His full name is "Satyendra Bose", he is Indian physician and he sent one paper to Einstein. It was not accepted once by magazine: "Philosophical Magazine", but Einstein had an insight into it. Actually, it is very worthful.Today we want to construct basis to explain this topic, it is "Quantum physics".

What is "Quantum" I think, to be honest, to answer this question is impossible for human. Because our world that we live based on macroscopic world, not quantum, microscopic world. Valley between two world is impossible to measure by human. If only  there are no gap, I can't know. We have to use many equipments to see quantum world. Anyway, there are many explaining by famous scientist all over the world. But, I want to explain in my words to go into the throne(maybe labyrinth) of physics. 

Let's go to the microscopic world---we usually doesn't know.
Quantum has two form, particle and wave. And everything in the world is made from quantum. We want to show what will be caused by quantum.There are two walls, one is made by film and  the other has two slit. (See fig.1)

 fig.1 (*from http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB:Double-slit.PNG#filelinks)

The Electron Gun shoot a electron, what will happen? Electron will go through two slits or repelled by it. If a electron go through slit, screen is light. Then, imagine the Electron Gun shoot more and more electrons to walls. Go through, repelled, go thorough, repelled, repelled, go through, go through...... Electrons are repelled is not important for us. Let's look at screen. Wow! There are more than two light lane! This was made by interference, this interference is caused by only one quantum!  It is hard to believe such thing. But in quantum, microscopic world our common sense is useless.


Einstein's Special relativity: Continuing explain...

Today I want to continue explaining about Einstein Special relativity.
BUT! I forgot to say I'm not major in physic, so there may be mistake. Please tell me if you notice my mistake.

To know what is whatever you want, what will you do? It is effective to know or understand what will happen result from it. So I want to explain "light clock".
This is made from a light resource and a mirror these can move parallel with right angled direction of straight  between the mirror and the resource. In addition you already know the distance between the mirror and the light resource and the light velocity---this is constant. Then light from the light resource, the mirror reflects light, light comes back. You can calculate a time that is used to go and back between two. You can use this time as clock.
"Hmm, clock? This is a kitchen timer, isn't it?" 
Oh, it is likely and exactly. But do you know what property "clock" has to have? It is only Kitchen timer! If you want to know one second using this light clock, you should set a distance  299 792 458 m. The distance is distance light can reach in one second.
Anyway, we shall go to next step. The next experiment is to move equipments! Move equipments as velocity whatever you want to move these. Then imagine light from light resource, light go and come back..., but equipments are moving.  Look at from outside of equipments, light goes more distance than the experiment we had just before. 
Please DON'T be cheated by common sense!
Light velocity is constant, so light use more time to go the mirror. Why? Line light goes is oblique across the light resource and the mirror. If we've set the distance  299 792 458 m, more than one second is used to go one light velocity second. What is happen? Time lags!
You can't believe this fact, but many experiment shows time lag when you move or I move. "Move " is important factor. It is difficult to explain other experiments, but you will see those in    wikipedia: Special_relativity and so on. If you are not good at math, you can read Einstein's paper about Special relativity. It is very good way to know and think about Special relativity to read it.


Einstein's Special relativity

I want to explain Einstein's theorem "Special relativity" using two blog article. Today and next week. First week, I want to explain about basic fact of the theorem, "principle of constancy of light velocity".

There has been many experiment to measure light velocity. Galileo also had the experiment using two lamps. It is easy, two lamps are covered, one person(we call him "A") uncover the lamp, the other(we call him "B") uncovered lamps when "B" watch a lamp's light. Then  "A" measure a round trip time of light. At last We use easy math, divide distance between "A" and "B" by the time makes light velocity. But this experiment was not succeeded. Light velocity is too high to measure on Earth. 
There are some experiments of light velocity that can measure light velocity. But it is not sure what meditate light, like air meditate sound. Before 19th century, it is said "aether" meditate light,  but no one prove existence of aether. Aether meditate light, but we can't see, touch, smell, and hear that.Then, if we want to prove existence, what we have to do? 
Imagine a train, you are in front and I am in the rear. I say "Hello!" to you, then you hear that. sound velocity will be same if you say "Hello!" to me. Then, we moved to an open goods wagon, I say "Hello!"......what will be? Sound velocity is not same you say to me.because air that meditate sound is not moving with us. Sound velocity from me to you is more slow than one from you to me.
In 19th century, scientist thought that in light. If Earth and us are moving in space, we can measure of effect of aether. Light velocity from Earth to the direction of the movement of Earth is more slower than light from Earth to the right angled direction of the movement of Earth.

Michelson-Morley experiment
Albert Michelson and Edward Morley had this experiment. They wanted to know how Aether effect on light velocity. They made a skillfull laboratory equipment. Light from "coherent light source" is split to two light by semi-silvered mirrors, one goes in the direction of the movement of  Earth and the other goes in the right angled direction of the movement of Earth, reflected two light go to detector. If Aether exists, there are differences between two light velocity, then interference fringe would appear. They wanted to measure this.
But, this experiment was failure. The interference fringe size was too small to prove existence of Aether. After this experiment, there were many experiment to prove existence of Aether. But there were no good result to prove.

This experiment suggested one fact. It is "Hmm,  if this experiment is true, Aether does'nt exist? And, light velocity is constant?"
Yes it is!
I want to show abstract of Einstein's special relativity in next week using this fact.

Now, we have more and more accurate 
result using laser equipment.  Light velocity is  
299 792 458 m/s in SI(The international System of Unit)

Quoted from...
ガードナーの相対性理論入門 マーティン・ガードナー著 金子 務訳 白揚社 2007/12/31


Pendulum Foucault, Sun and us.

What is this---the Pendulum Foucault?
It is just a pendulum, you know, but also important and sensational one......
You know, Earth spins. But, before Nicolaus Copernicus in 16th people think Sun go around Earth. It was very likely, and it is likely for us without study about physic. Today, I want to show easy experiment to prove Earth spins. It is the Pendulum Foucault.

On February 1851, in Pantheon de Paris, Foucault held experiment. He isn't professional scientist, but he is very skillfull to have scientific experiment. He had had a preliminary experiment in his house before the experiment in Pantheon de Paris.
Foucault's hypothesis is about Earth's spin and a pendulum. At that time, although Earth goes around Sun but there are no method to prove that by physical. His hypothesis uses "Coriolis power". What is this?
Coriolis power do NOT really exists, but we can see this. Coriolis power is made by missing the fact we are on the Earth. Please imagine a disc and a ball on the center of disc. And rotate a disc and roll a ball out of disc straightly and see from above these. OK, you saw the ball is go straightly.  Then please see from the disc, you are also rotating. Or to imagine, you can use a merry-go-round, a ball is rolled from center of it and you run by speed is same a merry-go-round. What you see? It is "the ball makes a curve"! This is Coriolis power. There is no power, but we thinks there IS power. Because it is easy to think.
Go back to Foucault Pendulum. His hypothesis is "If Earth spins, Coriolis power will be observed, and it is expressed by a pendulum's orbit. Coriolis power makes it off to the side (except for the equator). " He set a big pendulum in Pantheon de Paris. Finally, the pendulum's orbit was off to the side. Earth is spinning!

See also......


On the origin of "stars" species---John Darwin

Do you know that stars also evolve? It does not means literary "strong star" eat "weak star", or something like that. It means a star's state from begin---born--- of star to end---death--- of star.  State of stars is divided to three:"Birth of star", "Maturity of star" and "Stellar remnants".

Birth of star
Story starts with molecular cloud in the space. A molecular cloud mast have mass and be large: for example 1.2*10^37 kg and 9.5*10^14 km. A dense part of molecular cloud rotates and collapses, and as gas falling gas released gravitational energy as heat and it become like disc. A baby star becomes in the center of disk. The protostar is it. More gases in disk is falling down to protostar, and more the protostar become hotter.
If a protostar's masses less than 0.08 of solarmass, you can't see it in the sky. In this star, nuclear fusion(nuclear fusion of hydrogen and hydrogen) can't begin because it is too low temperature. Stars like this are known "brown dwarfs".Else, protostar can become star that shine in the sky. Anyway, the sun masses "1" solarmass. In the sun, nuclear fusion began about 13.7billion.

Maturity of star
The sequence of hydrogen and hydrogen nuclear fusion is called "main sequence star".
After this sequence, Stars like the sun becomes "Red giant". This stars become bigger and bigger. In these, nuclear fusion---but not hydrogen and hydrogen, they are hydrogen and helium--- is happening. If a star's mass less than 0.5 solarmass, this nuclear fusion doesn't happen. If all of hydrogen was cosumed, the star's core become smaller but a star expansion.
If star's mass is nice to happen nuclear fusion of more massive elements:carbon, neon and so on except for more massive than Ferrum---iron, these are made and these will be part of our world. If there were no such star, there are no planet human can and space is more simple.

Stellar remnants
If a star is more bigger, for example, a star that has over 40 solarmass, this star will be black hall,
or a star has 10~40 solarmass, this will make a neutron star. A neutron star is very massive---370 thousand ton per square meter (37t/m^2).
And a star has 0.8 - 3~4 solarmass will be white dwarf. What is white dwarf? It is dense star, solar mass is pressed in earth volume. A famous white dwarf is "Sirius B". Sirius is most bright star in the sky except for the sun. Sirius B is companion star of Sirius. You can't see this with naked eye. Main star of Sirius is too bright.