
What is the Physics? Think again.

I want to think again "What is the physics?" this last week article.

You know, many many people learn, use, see, think about, develop, discover the physics all over the world. Then, my physics and your physics is the same? I don;t think so.(You may say one's physics is imaginary......) I suppose there are many many physics everyone imagine. My image is mainly made from quantum physics, Newton dynamics, and particle dynamics. You have your own physics, that is you may say your image about physics. But this image is so important. Almost all people don;t major in physics, so they don't has comprehensive knowledge about physics and the way they think about physical issue. Then what is physics for them? Knowledges they learned in high school, junior high school,  TV program, book they read, and so on. If we want to use or think about physics in our way (such like information tech, media, or another), we have to think there are a lot of physics images everyone has.*

Next, I want to think about old physics like Newton dynamics, or ancient Greece physics. What is physical true?  If I am 18th man, I would never believe light speed is constant and time is not absolute. For me, time is absolute that made by God. So I have to think physical true is changing, it is now changing! You may hear about CERN's news release about constancy of light speed is not true. In result this news was not true, but there are probability of this is true. If so, physician were made to extend physics.

In conclusion, my physics is mine, and your physics is yours, but we can examine own physics is true, I think it is happy for us. We don't have to think about probability there are maybe no answer for our absolute extreme question. "What is the world?"

*http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/science/news/20120224-OYT1T00324.htm Article about CERN's news release.

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